Please consider supporting the Highbanks Area Civic Association by renewing your existing membership, or joining as a new member. Your voluntary $25 contribution ($15 for seniors 65+) makes possible such things as the Independence Day parade and picnic, the Block Watch program, entrance lights and landscaping, the neighborhood garage sales, and the holiday lights contest. Payment options are listed below. NEW! PAY ONLINE NOW! In the rectangular box, that is below the words "MEMBERSHIP TYPE", click and then select either REGULAR or SENIOR. Then click on the Pay Now button below to pay your membership dues online now!
PAY BY MAIL Please make your check payable to HACA and mail with this HACA MEMBERSHIP FORM to: Liza Vondenberg - Treasurer 523 Meadow View Drive Powell, OH 43065[email protected] [email protected]om 614-893-1465 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HACA MEMBERSHIP FORM 2022 Annual Dues: $25.00 household; $15.00 Senior household Name: _____________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ Phone Number ______________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ We would like to be involved with: Entrance Improvement & Cleanup Independence Day Parade & Picnic Community Activities Other ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PAY IN PERSON Membership dues may also be paid in person at the conclusion of the Independence Day parade. Please note: The HACA membership year runs from June 1st to May 31st. However, new members may join at any time and have dues prorated on a quarterly basis. All dues paid to the Association are non-refundable.